Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Sounds of Nature

The shrill wake-up call of a rooster
Even before the crack of dawn.
The faint cawing of crows
To let the world know
It’s time to leave Slumber land.
The flapping of wings in unison
Before flying away early to catch a worm.
The desperate call of a baby squirrel
Lost somewhere and seeking its mother.
The cooing of pigeons on the roof
Reminding you to pause and
Listen to the Sounds of Nature.

The rumbling sound of thunder in the distance
Heralding a heavy downpour or two
Soon to be followed by the fierce rain
Giving respite to the parched earth.
The rhythmic pitter-patter of raindrops
Falling on the corrugated tin roof.
The whistling of the wild wind
On a cold, stormy day.
The first cry of a new-born
Announcing its sojourn
From the womb to the world outside.

The gurgling of the waterfall
Rushing to mingle with the river.
The rustling of colorful autumn leaves in the park
Trampled upon by children running around.
Then the sounds of silence at night
Interspersed with the sounds of crickets and frogs
And the sound of barking dogs at a distance
Coaxing you to retire and
Wake up to yet another beautiful dawn to
Listen to the Sounds of Nature.


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