Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Marvels of Mother Nature

Have you ever had the leisure to watch some of the innumerable marvels of Mother Nature? Here are some of them:

A baby squirrel nibbling on the seeds of a potted basil plant in the balcony.

The sky transforming into a giant screen splashed with myriad hues at sunset.
First golden, and then pinkish with a mauve periphery. The pink gradually diminishing and giving way to the mauve. The mauve turning quickly to a grey and moments later, the entire sky being engulfed with darkness as if saying adieu to yet another beautiful day.

A pair of hawks (not sure if they are hawks or kites) fighting with each other in mid air. Sometimes, they seem to fly sideways and sometimes backwards! Wonder if this is an illusion or is it due to the wind speed.

Clouds of varied shapes and sizes floating carelessly in the sky, sometimes resembling an elephant, sometimes a sleeping cat and sometimes a huge butterfly.

White rain coming down in torrents and washing the whole atmosphere clean and leaving the smell of fresh damp mud to linger for a long time.

Dewdrops on the leaves glistening like diamonds at night.

A congregation of crows having a whale of a time with the overhead water tank overflowing on the terrace.

A pair of tiny black birds that can easily be held in the palm of your hands, perched on the ledge of the balcony.

A squirrel hanging upside down precariously from a slender branch of a gulmohur tree – a sure contender for a gold medal in gymnastics for animals!

The leaves of the gulmohur tree dancing to the tune of a gentle breeze.

A crow gathering little twigs and pieces of a rope to make a cozy nest atop a gulmohur tree.

A chameleon on the trunk of a coconut tree in perfect camouflage. It has the same shade as the trunk, that is, kind of a dull brown and can be noticed only because of its movement on the trunk to catch an insect!


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